
I'm from the Philippines and my PokerSource nickname is maldita, which means "sassy." I just started poker this year. Before I met my boyfriend I never played poker but I like playing a Filipino card game called "tong its."
My boyfriend is from America and he is a poker addict! He plays every day and when he's not playing he's watching pokertube and training videos. He always talks to me about the game so I basically had no choice but to learn lol. I learned by watching him play and by watching poker shows. He explained to me what the players were doing and what he was doing, so it was a great way for me to learn.
After a while, I decided that I wanted to play myself. My boyfriend told me about PokerSource and it sounded like a great deal! He told me about the matching bonus money that the poker sites give you, and he told me about the PokerSource points. I signed up for PokerSource with the Referral Program then I signed up for an account with Betfair.
When I first started playing I was very nervous. When I played "tong its" it was very small money, so 2 cents/4 cents no limit holdem seemed like a lot. But I was very lucky because my boyfriend helped me a lot. He got me a poker tracker and showed me how to use it then he watched me play and gave me advice.
The players on Betfair are very crazy! I play during the morning time here in the Philippines when it is night time in Europe. I think maybe they are drinking too much because they love to gamble! At first I was very nervous so I just waited for really good hands but after a while I felt more comfortable and started playing more hands. After about three weeks I played enough hands to get my PokerSource bonus!
I played during June when PokerSource had their "Every Room in June" bonus. So I got 10,000 points for Betfair plus a 2,500 point bonus - that's like $125! Also my boyfriend will get $30 for the Referral Program and he said he will give me that money - bonus! I also made about $50 playing on Betfair, so everything together is like $185! In my country it's very poor so this is a lot of money for me. There are a few more days in June so next I think I will try to do Party Poker because I like to party lol!
I think PokerSource is great. I don't know how they can give you free money but it makes me happy. I'm going to order some things from My boyfriend said he will give me every referral bonus he gets, so I should get like another $155 when I do the Party Poker promotion.
Now I just need to find friends who like poker so I can refer them and get another $30 bonus.
Thanks a lot PokerSource - you are the best!
Maldita - Republic of the Philippines