A free gift promotion (NEVADA JACK’s 300’s)
1) Beginning
I already own a set of 300 NEVADA JACKS, but lately we played some 6 to 8 Player home game SNG’s so I needed some more chips – and the easiest way is playing poker and getting gifts from PokerSource .
This time I decided to play in a smaller network – to play at DOYLESROOM in the CAKE NETWORK.
Before start playing just choose the room and free poker gift at PokerSource and follow the instructions at the website, download and install the software and deposit some money. You should know how much money to deposit:
As a new player at DOYLESROOM you get a 110% deposit bonus and will receive 10Bonus-$-pieces every 166 Player Points. To finish the PokerSource promotion you'll need 1000 Player Points - so you should at least deposit 60$ to get bonus $ till the end of promotion. I deposited a little more to play a bigger bonus.
2) Software
Software is quite good: easy to use, stabile, clear and quick - I had no problems at all. It does not take lots of resources, you can resize tables, but there is no tile/cascade option and You are not allowed at all to use any kind of supporting software like PokerTracker or PokerOffice etc .
My benchmark for the SW: 8/10
3) Promotion
As I said, 1000 Player Points are needed. I played a Mix of NL 20 and NL50 to always have 9 tables open at the same time and I needed about 7000 hands. So it really was quite easy to clear this promotion.
How to get Player Points: When you are dealt cards at any real money ring game, you'll earn 1 FPP for every dollar raked – so you do not even have to put money in the pot to receive Player Points.
DOYLESROOM was room of the month, so i also got another 3000points on top My benchmark for the promotion: 9/10 (with 10 is most easiest)
4) Traffic
Doyle is part of CAKE network - so there always some (NL) tables to play and in peak times, there are a lot. US-Players are allowed at the CAKE network, so highest traffic is in the afternoon and evening times Eastern Times. My benchmark for traffic: 7/10
5) Free gift and PokerSource
I decided to take a 2nd set of Nevada Jacks and just a few days after finishing the promotion I got the okay from POKERSOURCE and and about 3 weeks later I was a proud and happy owner of them.
My benchmark for PokerSource: 9/10
6) Special
At DOYLESROOM there is a special tournament, called BOUNTY HUNTER (50000$ guaranteed for 27.50$) which you can play every Wednesday and if you knockout out one of the celebrities you get a special prize. First entry for new player is free, so you have a 50000$ freeroll.
7) Conclusion
Enough Players at CAKE are really fishy and the 1000 Player Points for the free gift promotion is easy to clear - You just have to live with the fact that no PokerTracker etc is allowed at all and play at the peak times, if you want to multi-table. My benchmark for DOYLESROOM: 8/10
PokerSource Username: LUCKBOX78
City : Schmalkalden
Country: Germany