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About PokerSource.com

PokerSource got its start on an online auction site back in early 2004 by literally giving away free poker books and free poker chipsets in exchange for online poker room account signups. 


Shortly after the overwhelming response to our online auction site offerings, we launched PokerSourceOnline. Since that time a lot has changed: although we are still known as PSO to many, we changed our name to PokerSource. We merged our immensely popular free poker money website Instant Bankroll into PokerSource and also merged the original rakeback site Frequent Flopper into PokerSource. This made us a great destination for poker players worldwide to sign up for any promotion they desired all in one place. We also added several more online poker rooms such as BetOnline & ACR Poker. Finally, we added a huge selection of free poker gifts to our Points Store, along with a Sportsbooks page.


Despite all the changes, one thing has remained the same: PokerSource is still the #1 source for free poker promotions and trusted sportsbooks. Hundreds of thousands of poker players and sports bettors have joined our community and we've shipped millions of dollars in gifts to our members all over the world. If you haven't tried PokerSource yet, the only thing left to ask yourself is "What am I waiting for?"

PokerSource.com Testimonials



My name is Maksim. I am 21. First I'd like to say a big thanks to PokerSource team! I live in a country with $250-300 average salary. It's not good, and if you want something like 2 week vacation in other country once in year, you can't do it on your... Read more



I’m dinacandy on PokerSource. I started playing poker just this year when I met my boyfriend. He really loves the game. At first, he took me to free tournaments at the local poker room then he started paying for the really small buy in tournaments... Read more



My name is Jeremy. I am a 33 year old stay at home dad. I have been playing poker off and on for about 10 years now. I dabble in mostly micro stakes and low fee tournaments. I first came across PokerSource in 2009. At first, I was a bit suspicious of such... Read more



My first promotion at PokerSource was with Full Tilt Poker about one and a half years ago. I just turned 18 and started to explore the world of online poker. But always after a few hours of poker I would notice I raked so much money that just lands into the... Read more

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PokerSource.com News & Events


Registration is now open for our next Bankroll Builder freeroll held at ACR Poker on February 22nd. Save your seat!  Details and password on our Promotions page.


Take your seat in our $100 Bankroll Builder freeroll hosted on ACR Poker February 8th. Get the Bankroll Builder password and details here.


Save your seat for our next Bankroll Builder $100 Freeroll hosted at ACR Poker January 25th. Get the password and details on our Promotions page.


Join us for our next $100 Bankroll Builder Freeroll on January 11th hosted at USA-friendly ACR Poker! Get the details and password here.


If you are looking to start the new year with a new sporstbook, then check out our trusted sprotsbook partners.

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